Shawl with Sheep

Happily, my Shetland Tea Shawl drama of last week is no more. The shawl is restored, work continues and I am  happy.

I took on board all those comments about striving for perfection and honestly, if the section that fell off the cable was truly, glaringly awful I’d have ripped it out but in the end, my surgical skills proved valuable and the mistake is hardly visible at all.

Shetland Shawl with Sheep Marker

I think what worked in my favour was that the first row after the incident had a lot of stocking stitch in it so restoring the stitch count was simpler and soon I was off and running. A great result.

Over the weekend, a cool change arrived and with it, the ability to sit with a large shawl on my lap. An absence of sweat is a wonderful thing.

I took this photo last night, admiring the way the silver needles and stitch marker looked against the blue fabric. So pretty. The marker is lovely isn’t it? It’s part of a set given to me by Jodi in Alabama. A sheep with a bell around its neck. She thought she was clever finding that for me. I tend to agree.

Incidentally, call me crazy but when I finished the 36 row madeira lace chart on this shawl on the weekend, a chart that’s given me such grief, I decided to follow the suggestion in the pattern and repeat it all over again. I’m worried the shawl is going to turn out too small and there’s something so useless about a small circular shawl. I have one. It’s difficult to wear. I want this to be big, and for it to use as much of the wollmeise as possible.

So I started the 36 row chart again to make the shawl bigger – and this time I put a lifeline in between on a plain row. I might be crazy, but I’m not stupid.


16 thoughts on “Shawl with Sheep

  1. So glad you sorted your problem out 🙂

    Hooray for large shawl ! …personally I never do the size required, as you say they’re pretty useless if they don’t sit right. Yaay for lifelines !

  2. What a marvelous picture! That blue is celestial!

    So glad you got in a satisfactory save. And I love that you’re doing an extra lace repeat. A generous shawl is soo embracing.

  3. Glad you were able to salvage it and keep going. I have fairly boring stitch markers that are much more functional than pretty – this little sheep has been wanting “pretty things” for my knitting projects now.

  4. Oh, I so glad it worked out in the end! Yay! I’m always afraid to add more sections (though i totally agree a small shawl doesn’t work as well) because I’m afraid I’m going to run out of yarn. How do you calculate if you’ll have enough? Is there some trick?

  5. I’m glad it’s all fixed! Don’t think you’re mad for doing another repeat at all. You’ve got to be happy with the size of it, and I think it’s really frustrating to have leftover laceweight.

  6. Hurrah for successful surgery and I love your last sentence – if I ever do get around to big lace shawls I must embrace the lifelines – I’ve cursed myself for not putting them in socks!

  7. so glad you got it fixed, and have been able to get a lifeline. but you wont have any problems with the chart second time around, im sure. look forward to seeing how this turns out!

  8. Yay for lifelines!! And not repeating your mistakes! Glad it was so easily fixed, I would have been so sad to have to rip so much lovely lace!

    Very cute stitchmarker!

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